Text Properties
This dialog box allows the user to alter any of the properties or attributes for the selected text.
Click on the point to which the text should be attached, or click anywhere on the screen to place the text at a particular Easting and Northing. You can also type in the required point number.
Click anywhere on the screen to place the text at a particular Easting and Northing. You can also type in the required Easting
Click anywhere on the screen to place the text at a particular Easting and Northing. You can also type in the required Northing.

Type in the text required. Note: If you want a DEGREES symbol, type Control/D.
Enter the bearing of the text as a Survey bearing (i.e. 0 is vertically up the page.).
The bearing is not applied to the text until you TAB or click to the next field.
You can also change the bearing by dragging the right hand side of the text with the mouse.
If you have multiple pieces of text selected, this will set the bearing for all the selected text.
If the angle field is blank, it will use the layer symbol angle.
NOTE: when cursor is in the angle field, click on a line on the drawing to adopt that angle.
Select the required layer. The default is to insert text onto the Text layer.
If you have multiple pieces of text selected, this will set the Layer for all the selected text.
By Layer
Selecting 'By Layer' means that the text will use the Colour, Font and Text size attributes as defined by the layer. This makes it easy to change the colour of all the text on a layer.
If you have multiple pieces of text selected, this will set the 'By Layer' attribute for all selected text.
Select the colour from the drop down list. The text colour selected will override the layer colour. If you have multiple pieces of text selected, this will set the Colour for all the selected text. Click here for Colour chart.
Select the required Font from the list. The program can only offer those fonts installed in the Windows Font system. If you have multiple pieces of text selected, this will set the Font for all the selected text.
Enter the required text size in mm.
If you have multiple pieces of text selected, this will set the Size for all the selected text. If this field is left blank, it will use the Layer symbol size by default.
Click this button to toggle the text to Bold or Normal modes.
Click this button to toggle the text to Italic or Normal modes.
Click this button to toggle the text to Underline or Normal modes.
Click the OK button to accept the text that has been entered.